Southern Tribes Waiwhakaiho
mauri mahi - mauri ora
We Are Southern Tribes Waiwhakaiho
Founded in 2018, Southern Tribes Waiwhakaiho academy is open to any & all people. We endeavor to change lives by encouraging self-confidence, humility, loyalty & honor in a Whanau environment.
BJJ, Fitness, Submission Grappling, Self Defence, Bullyproof, Wrestling/ Whātōtō are all part of the kaupapa to expose the students to hauora. Physical, mental, spiritual & emotional well being.
Classes - Kids, Adults, Women Only, Corporates
Come As You Are - Haere Mai, E Te Iti, E Te Rahi
Whether you're a real newbie or a seasoned black belt, our classes serve everyone. Our lessons are a perfect balance of traditional and modern, which means you get the best of both worlds in your quest to learn this art form.
Mat Monsters 3-4 years olds
3.35 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Teina 5-8 years olds
4.15 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday GI Training
4.15 pm Tuesday No-Gi Training
4.15 pm Thursday Sambo Training
Tuakana 9-13 years olds
5 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday GI Training
5 pm Tuesday No-Gi Training
5 pm Thursday Sambo Training
Sunday No-Gi Open Mat at 10 am, all levels
Kids Bullyproof Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Program! Fitness, Self-Defense, Confidence-Builder, Fun!
Sign up now: $34.99 per week only
Mondays and Wednesdays 6.45 pm GI Training
Tuesday and Thursday 12 pm Gi Advanced Training
Thursday 6 pm No-Gi Training
Sunday No-Gi Open Mat 10 am
Sport, Self-Defense, Fitness, Fun.
Sign up now: $42 per week only